Monday, October 14, 2024

LeDomduVin: Frugal night...

Frugal night... 😜

"Frugal" is not an appropriate word when serving 500 euros a bottle, but it came to my mind as that night I only served 2 bottles to a private dinner, while I usually open more than two bottles, hence the word frugal. 😁

You can look at my previous posts for the tasting notes of Selosse VO, as I have opened several bottles lately.

As for Denis Mortet, one of my favorite producers, it had been a while since I opened a bottle, especially "Clos de Vougeot".

Denis Mortet Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru Burgundy 2019

The bottle I last opened was great. However, this particular one was in a closed and tight phase. I opened it about 1 hour before serving, and it remained muted. It was good but could have been more expressive. Soft, gentle, and delicate on the nose, offering timid aromas of fresh red and dark cherries with earthy and mineral nuances. Despite the juicy cherry fruit and the long and lingering finish, the palate was tight and slightly austere with high acidity, unlike the previous bottle I opened, which was much more exuberant, generous, and ample. 

That is sometimes the issue when opening such young wines that have the potential to age and better develop with time. They go through opening and closing phases, and it can be challenging, even for an experienced Sommelier like me, to define the right opening moment, as top-tier wines are unpredictable in their youth. 

Oh well. Now I know. I better wait a few more years. The problem is whether I will have the patience to do so. 😁👍🍷

Cheers! Santé! 


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