Wednesday, September 25, 2024

LeDomduVin: Portrait

Ledomduvin: Portrait 

Before continuing to share pictures and descriptions of the great wines I had the chance to open these past few days, I wanted to share this picture of me right before the service (taken last night).

I don't take many pictures of myself, especially when working, as I much prefer sharing the bottles and labels of the wines I open instead. It is much more interesting than showing my face. 

However, as I hadn’t done it for a while, I asked a colleague to take a few pictures of me before the service, and I liked this one. 

I am proud to be a Sommelier and lucky to do a job I love. I have been doing this for 33 years with the same passion, determination, and professionalism, and I will hopefully do it for many more years, sharing my love, passion, and knowledge of wine with all of you. 

Cheers! Santé! 


@ledomduvin #ledomduvin #portrait #sommelier #sommelierlife #sommlife #wine #vin #vino #wein #lifeinwine #wineinlife #winelife #ilovemyjob #wineyearly #lovewine

Unless stated otherwise, all rights reserved ©LeDomduVin 2024, on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, drawings, illustrations, collages, visuals, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

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