No 85 Feedspot Top 100 Wine Blogs Websites & Influencers in 2020 by ©LeDomduVin 2020 |
WOW!!! I'm speechless...
A few minutes ago, I was just googling the name of my blog "LeDomduVin" as I do occasionally from time to time (as every other blogger does 😊) to check the various links to websites and articles citing or containing my blog's name.
So, I scrolled down the first page, and pretty much all the links were mine (Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Wix, etc...). Then, logically, I went to the 2nd page, and to my surprise the first link was
I was not expecting much of it and I even thought that it was a mistake. I mean, I remember joining and submitting my blog to "
Feedspot" once, about a years ago, to promote my blog, but I did not go back to visit it for a while. And I did not think they will have kept my blog's name in their database. I thought that it was one of these websites were you have to submit your blog's name every year to be a participant and eventually enter the list (maybe I didn't the fine print properly).
So, intrigued and curious to see if my blog's name was contained in that website, I clicked on the link.
And the first thing I saw was that
Well... What !?! Top 100 Wine Blogs, Websites and Influencers in 2020...
Could the name of my blog be on that list?
I immediately scrolled down towards the bottom of the list, slowly to check all the names of the blogs and websites, and not to miss mine, if it was there. Scroll, scroll, scroll... scroll more.. the end was near but I wanted to be sure.
Then suddenly, my heart stopped. Here it was at number 85. My blog "LeDomduVin" was at number 85. I was so happy (still I'm now as I'm writing this post 😊), I couldn't believe it. Not sure how I manage to make it to the Top 100, but who cares. I'm IN !!!! And that's really satisfying, trust me!
LeDomduVin No 85 of Feedspot Top 100 Wine Blogs Websites & Influencers in 2020 (screenshot courtesy of https://blog.feedspot.com ) |
It's exciting as back in April 2019, I discovered that I also made the "Feedspot Top 100 list Wine Blogs, Websites and Influencers", but back then I was number 92 (read the post
here). And this year, I'm number 85. And that's GREAT!!!
It may not mean much to you, or for the big bloggers out there, who have already certain notoriety and public recognition and thousands of followers. But, it is a big deal for me, as I'm just a small independent wine blogger, who only writes about 20-25 posts per year (in average), which is far from some bloggers I know who write about 5-6 posts a week (or even more).
I don't write much as I don't have the time or do not necessarily make the time to do so. Moreover, my posts are usually very, very, very long, full of details and apartés, (and usually take time to write), which for most people is too boring and too lengthy to read even one post until the end. And I received lots of criticisms for it. But I don't care, this is my way of writing and I like it that way (hoping you do too).
I love sharing my knowledge and telling stories about wines. This is the reason why I created this blog in the first place, to be able to share with you about all sort of things related to wine and life in general.
And obviously, some of you probably enjoyed reading some of my posts, otherwise, I will have never made that list, and for that, I would like to give all of you a BIG HUG and a HUGE THANK YOU.
Being on that list means a lot to me. It makes me feel proud and motivates me to continue writing even more. So THANK YOU again. This is AMAZING!
And if "LeDomduVin" made it to that list, it is because of YOU, not me, YOU !!!
YOU, all the readers and followers, so THANK YOU / MERCI. You made me a very happy wine blogger.
As the list is regularly updated, I'm not sure how long I will remain at number 85, but for today I am number 85 (😊).
Take good care of yourself, and stay tuned for more posts this year.
Cheers! Santé!
LeDomduVin (a.k.a. Dominique Noel)
NB: I love writing so much in both French and English and telling stories about everyday life situations too, that I created a second blog called "Really!?! The Adventures of the courteous stickman" where I write about people behaviours and their lack of courtesy and politeness in big cities, illustrated with stickman put into various situations. If interested go check it out at
@ledomduvin #ledomduvin #feedspot #feedspottop100winebloglist #top100winebloglist #topwineblog #thankyou #bigthankyou #hugethankyou #lesillustrationsadom #lesdessinsadom #numbereighhtyfive