A great little song

Tracey Kent - Raconte-moi... Album Cover

"Raconte-moi" is a great little song that I love, sang by Jazz singer Tracey Kent. Her smooth, soft, low-key voice sets the romantic and lazy Sunday morning mood of this song.
One of my Hongkongese colleagues who also love that song asked me to translate it for him to have a better idea of what the song is talking about.
So, I obliged him by translating to the best I could the metaphorical lyrics of that song written by Bernie Beaupere, Jean-Karl Lucas, Emilie Satt.
At first, I told myself that I will use "Google Translation" to see what the literal translation could be, however, I immediately realized that Google had no clue about the metaphors used in this song and the translation was stupid at best and awkward at worst and didn't make much sense overall.
So, I decided to translate it myself, with my understanding and interpretation of the lyrics' words and metaphors. I love doing this exercise of translating, whether it is a text, a book, a song, a poem or whatever else, I found it fun to translate either from French to English, or English to French. I have always loved doing it.
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French understanding and singing along of English and American Songs on the Radio back in the 80s by ©LeDomduVin 2019 |
More especially when I was young listening to the English and American songs on the radio, singing along incomprehensible and incorrect words, in some sort of English with my strong French accent, which in fact sounded more like Franglish, believing I was really singing correctly the lyrics of the songs... but I only realized my "partial" (should I say "quasi-inexistent") understanding of the songs when I was looking at the lyrics on the back of the vinyl's cover (33 Tours) or reading them in the booklet coming with the "cassette" (music tape).
To better understand the lyrics, I looked up the words in my English-French dictionary first, then write them down and tried to translate the set of words of the songs, more in a literal way then in a comprehensible way I must say..... It was fun and usually gave me a different perspective on the meaning of the song... some songs were really cool, others were really lame and cheesy ... but I still like them...
So, without further due, here is the translation of this great little song called "Raconte-moi" or "Tell me" in English by Tracey Kent.
To better understand the lyrics, I looked up the words in my English-French dictionary first, then write them down and tried to translate the set of words of the songs, more in a literal way then in a comprehensible way I must say..... It was fun and usually gave me a different perspective on the meaning of the song... some songs were really cool, others were really lame and cheesy ... but I still like them...
So, without further due, here is the translation of this great little song called "Raconte-moi" or "Tell me" in English by Tracey Kent.
Lyrics in French | Translation in English |
Raconte-moi | Tell me |
La lumière ruisselle | The light is streaming |
Derrière le rideau | Behind the curtain |
Une voix de cresselle | A rattle voice |
Dit qu'il va faire beau | Says the weather will be nice |
Mais je m'en fou pas mal des choses de la rue | But I do not care much about things in the street |
Y'a des caresses, des croissants tout chauds | There are some caresses, hot croissants |
Du thé à l'amour et des fruits confus | Tea with love and confused fruits |
Serve-moi encore un petit verre d'eau | Poor me a little glass of water |
Raconte-moi des rêves | Tell me about dreams |
Au gout du cajou | With taste of cashew |
Sur un bout de grève | On the tip of a shore |
Le long de ton cou | Along your neck |
Sens là c'est des soleils | Feel there, these are suns |
Sur ta peau saline | On your salty skin |
Dessine-moi une abeille | Draw me a bee |
Que je te butine | So I can lick you |
Midi qui klaxonne | Midday is honking |
Sur le macadame | On the macadam |
Les bistros bourdonnent | The Bistros are buzzing |
L'assenceur qui brumme | The elevator is growling |
Mais je m'en fou pas mal des choses de la rue | But I do not care much about things in the street |
Donne moi plutôt un savon qui mousse | Rather give me a soap that foam |
Je ferais l'animal pris au dépourvu | I will do the animal caught off guard |
Si tu me fais des chose si douces | If you do to me such sweet things |
Racontes-moi des rêves | Tell me about dreams |
Des histoires de fou | Crazy stories |
Sur le bout des lèvres | On the tip of your lips |
Racontes-moi tout | Tell me everything |
Sens là c'est des soleils | Feel there, these are suns |
Sur ta peau saline | On your salty skin |
Dessine-moi une abeille | Draw me a bee |
Que je te butinne | So I can lick you |
Le jour qui grisonne | The day is turning grey |
Les heures qui se fanent | The hours are fading |
Faut que tu telephones | You should give a phone call |
A tes états d'âmes | to your moods |
Mais je m'en fou pas mal des choses de ta vie | But I do not care much about things in your life |
De tes rendez-vous que tu n'as pas pris | Of your appointments that you did not take |
De tes mecredis qui sont bien remplies | Of your Wednesdays which are well filled |
Et de ton mobile qui n'a plus de batterie | And your mobile phone that has no battery |
Racontes-moi des rêves | Tell me about dreams |
Des histoires de fou | Crazy stories |
Si le jour se lève | If the day comes up |
Dis lui qu'on s'en fou | Tell him we do not care |
Sens là c'est des soleils | Feel there, these are suns |
Sur ta peau saline | On your salty skin |
Dessine-moi une abeille | Draw me a bee |
Que je te butine | That I can lick you |
I love this song because of the story it tells us. The story of a couple, still in bed, probably on a lazy Sunday morning. The woman is looking at the sun rising behind the curtain, forming patches of light that she calls "suns" on the skin of her partner. And she briefly looked in the street by the window, but she obviously does not care about what is happening outside, as she feels comfy and nice, cuddling and kissing in the bed, and obviously has something in mind.....
That's all folks for today,
Just a little song I love and that you can watch on YouTube
Stay tuned for more posts coming soon
LeDomduVin a.k.a. Dominique Noel
Hey, want to say I took the deep dive into the lyrics and somewhen ended up trying YouTube captions. I don't know what I expected but as you said it was terrible:
ReplyDelete"draw me a bee
that I fart you"
Anyway, your last paragraph is exactly what I thought it means and what it feels she is saying without knowing the words.
It reminds me of Jorge Ben Jor - Bebete Vãobora — a song I used to listen to very often before I wanted to understand the lyrics. And it was not disappointing, music and lyrics perfectly match.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l4wS0UZOu-s I guess just want to say thank you for your article, it was nice to read